Rod Suskin

About Rod

Rod Suskin is well known as an astrologer and sangoma in Cape Town and has been in practice in both fields for over 30 years. He has a special interest in traditional medicine both in the African and European contexts, and his interest in medical astrology has led him to study the history of medicine and its relationship with cultural belief systems about health and healing. He has lectured regularly at both the University of Cape Town and University of Stellenbosch medical schools on traditional medicine, history of medicine and integrative medicine.

His astrology is grounded firmly in the tradition and ancient principles but contextualized in the modern world with the modern practice of astrology. He teaches astrology in a three-year Diploma course at the online Rod Suskin School of Astrology. Both his course and his consultations are widely sought after. His work is well known internationally in his field.

Rod is the author of a number of astrological books including Cycles of Life and Synastry, published by Llewellyn (USA, as well as the books on spirituality Soul Talks and Soul Life published by DoubleStorey Books (SA). He also contributes regularly to a variety of publications in South Africa and was commissioned to write about the national astrological chart for the official parliamentary newspaper. He has also created and published a meditation CD and a range of astrology software.

Rod had astrology slots on national TV for 9 years and on Cape Talk radio on for 17 years. He currently has his own show on CTV which attracts a viewership of over 30,000 per week.

He has recently completed an MA in Cultural Astronomy and Astrology at the University of Wales where he specialised in the relationship between cosmology and healing practices.